INTRODUCTION // Rev YTH exists for you - the students! We believe that, as a student, you are a valuable member of the Church and to God’s Kingdom. We want to ensure that you have a strong and safe community of other students and leaders that care about you so that you can, 1) begin and deepen your relationship with Christ, and 2) be empowered to bring Christ to others.


  • Small Groups

    • First 3 Wednesdays of each month (or 4 if the month has 5 Wednesdays)

    • For these nights, you can expect us to…

      • Open with a game or some fun activity

      • We then will go into our small groups, which are split between middle schoolers and high schoolers, where you will engage in a lesson based in Scripture, catered specifically to your age group

        • Lessons include questions to build connections within the group, Scripture based around a specific topic, specific application of the Scripture, and a time to pray as a group

  • Outreach Nights

    • Last Wednesday of each month, often at a park or alternative location

    • Specifically catered towards new students, these nights focus on fun and fellowship, with a much lighter emphasis on Scripture, giving new students an opportunity to meet the group in a lighthearted environment before stepping into a small group

  • Impactful Leaders

    • We have carefully hand-picked leaders that we know have a heart for the Lord and sharing Him with this generation. Leaders are assigned specific small groups, so you can build a connection with your leaders as an adult you can trust and who will support you both in and out of youth group!


  • Updates monthly with resources from Stone regarding the month’s message series, including:

    • Monthly YouTube video breaking down the content for the month

    • Monthly reading plan/additional reading resources

    • Additional notes/miscellaneous resources for further study


  • Link to “new student” form

  • Link to any temporary forms such as feedback forms, etc.